After Renovation


Magnum Cleaning Inc. provides expert post-renovation cleaning services tailored to meet the specific needs of residential, commercial, and industrial properties. Our professional team meticulously removes construction debris, dust, and residue accumulated during renovation projects, ensuring a pristine and inviting environment. Utilizing advanced cleaning techniques and environmentally friendly products, we thoroughly sanitize surfaces, floors, and fixtures, leaving behind a spotless and refreshed space. With a commitment to excellence and attention to detail, Magnum Cleaning Inc. delivers superior post-renovation cleaning solutions that exceed client expectations and promote a clean, healthy, and welcoming environment for occupants.

Facilities We Serve – but not limited to
  • RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES: Houses, apartments, and condominiums undergoing renovations often require thorough cleaning to remove dust, debris, and construction materials.
  • COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS: Offices, retail stores, restaurants, and other commercial establishments may need post-renovation cleaning to prepare for reopening or occupancy after renovations.
  • CONSTRUCTION SITES: Construction areas themselves often require cleaning after renovation or construction work is completed to remove leftover debris, materials, and waste.
  • INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES: Manufacturing plants, warehouses, and industrial sites may require post-renovation cleaning to ensure safety, compliance, and operational readiness.
  • EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS: Schools, colleges, and universities undergoing renovations may need post-renovation cleaning to ensure a clean and safe environment for students, faculty, and staff.
  • HEALTHCARE FACILITIES: Hospitals, clinics, and medical offices may require thorough cleaning after renovations to maintain sanitation and infection control standards.
  • GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS: Renovated government offices, courthouses, and municipal buildings may require post-renovation cleaning to prepare for reopening to the public.

In each of these settings, post-renovation cleaning services are essential to remove construction residues, dust, and debris, ensuring that the space is clean, safe, and ready for use or occupancy.

Phone: +1 705 984-8878
Hours: 24/7
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